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Bandits attacked a village in southern Cameroon

 Bandits attacked a village in southern Cameroon Some armed gunmen stopped cars and shot passengers and burned cars during an attack they ca...

 Bandits attacked a village in southern Cameroon

Some armed gunmen stopped cars and shot passengers and burned cars during an attack they carried out in a village in the South West region of Cameroon.

, D.C. - The attack happened on Thursday, according to the residents of the town and a representative of the Reuters news agency.

The separatists, who are not many English speakers in Cameroon, have been fighting for a long time to establish an independent country called Ambazonia since 2017.

They attack, kidnap and kill people in the North-West and South-West regions of the country.

Residents of the area said that the attackers arrived early in the morning, during the week when schools opened after summer vacation, and many people were killed.

In 2017, the rebels began fighting with the Cameroonian army after civilian protesters demanding more representation of the English-speaking minority in France were crushed.

Schools are often attacked which causes the education system of Cameroon to deteriorate.

As in previous years, separatists have ordered schools not to open and imposed a curfew.

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